Student Life
Consistent attendance is essential for children to learn and make progress. Learn more about how absences are defined, reported and excused.
Get involved! School-sponsored activities are the perfect way to meet new friends and explore your interests.
Seventh and eighth grade students have opportunities to participate in high school athletics. Learn more about competing for Maple Grove, Osseo or Park Center.
Handbook, Expectations & Supply Lists
Learn more about student expectations, our schoolwide policies and procedures, and what supplies scholars will need to be successful throughout the year.
School Counseling
School counselors support student learning through three areas of development: educational, social/emotional, and career. Services are provided through classroom lessons, individual and group counseling, and other methods.
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Virtual Welcome Tour Video
Welcome to Maple Grove Middle School! Watch our welcome video to get to know the school, hear from eighth grade WEB leaders, and meet staff.